Water is key to all fire sprinkler systems. However, regular testing has previously been achieved by releasing vast amounts of water from systems directly to local drains.
Property developers, consultants and landlords need to balance budgets for capital and operational expenditure, which all impacts on design, performance, efficiency and sustainability over a building’s life cycle.
As a forward thinking and sustainably conscious company our views are that having a long term strategy for a project opens up the possibility of implementing new technologies and solutions that in return gives ongoing operational cost savings that far outlay the initial expenditure and also deliver an easy way to remain compliant with fire safety codes for the building’s planned life cycle.
Water is key to all fire sprinkler systems. However, regular testing has previously been achieved by releasing vast amounts of water from systems directly to local drains. These tests are required by law to ensure that a system remains ‘fit for purpose’. We believe that this important task can be carried out in a sustainable manor and more should be done to steward these wasteful practices.
We often find that fire sprinkler systems are not always considered when implementing sustainable solutions for a project and currently many green building initiatives don’t even acknowledge the use of such technology. In some cases building projects that have achieved high accolades for sustainability are still pouring hundreds of thousands of liters of clean drinking water to drain. This waste of natural resources, time and costs is something we can together eradicate and set about installing systems to minimise water loss, address green issues and operational expenditure whilst enabling ease of compliance with fire regulations.
We often find that fire sprinkler systems are not always considered when implementing sustainable solutions for a project and currently many green building initiatives don’t even acknowledge the use of such technology.
Project Fire are committed to developing green, innovative and sustainable fire sprinkler system solutions. Our products are designed to improve the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of fire sprinkler systems, making the best use of resources and keeping environmental impact to a minimum.